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great lakes artinya

contoh kalimat "great lakes"
  • Maybe even... Senior V.P., Eastern Great Lakes Division.
    Bahkan mungkin... wapres senior, divisi Eastern Great Lakes.
  • Like, uh, "home" stands for the great lakes.
    Seperti, eh, "HOME" singkatan untuk Great Lakes.
  • See how they're all concentrated around the Great Lakes?
    Kau lihat bagaimana mereka berpusat di Great Lake?
  • And the Great Lakes are the remnants of that huge lake.
    Dan Great Lakes adalah sisa dari danau raksasa itu.
  • Your father said that he thought Rockwell carried the bombs down through the Great Lakes.
    Jadi, Bangau pastilah sebuah kapal.
  • South America via the Great Lakes.
    Amerika Selatan melalui Great Lakes.
  • I love Great Lakes wine.
    Aku suka anggur Great Lakes.
  • We believe that Rockwell brought the bombs in through the Great Lakes.
    Kami yakin bahwa Rockwell membawa bom itu melalui Great Lakes.
  • I noticed a huge concentration of outbreaks around the Great Lakes.
    Aku melihat adanya konsentrasi massal para zombie di seputaran Great Lake.
  • However, his service was mostly spent at Great Lakes building a breakwater.
    Namun, layanan banyak digunakan di Great Lake untuk membangun pemecah gelombang.
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